Minggu, 24 Februari 2013


Laser printing is a digital printing process that rapidly produces high quality text and graphics on plain paper. As with digital photocopiers and multifunction printers (MFPs), laser printers employ a xerographic printing process, but differ from analog photocopiers in that the image is produced by the direct scanning of a laser beam across the printer's photoreceptor.
A laser beam projects an image of the page to be printed onto an electrically charged rotating drum coated with selenium or, more common in modern printers, organic photoconductors. Photoconductivity allows charge to leak away from the areas exposed to light. Dry ink (toner) particles are then electrostatically picked up by the drum's charged areas, which have not been exposed to light. The drum then prints the image onto paper by direct contact and heat, which fuses the ink to the paper.
Laser printer speed can vary widely, and depends on many factors, including the graphic intensity of the job being processed. The fastest models can print over 200 monochrome pages per minute (12,000 pages per hour). The fastest color laser printers can print over 100 pages per minute (6000 pages per hour). Very high-speed laser printers are used for mass mailings of personalized documents, such as credit card or utility bills, and are competing with lithography in some commercial applications.[1]
The cost of this technology depends on a combination of factors, including the cost of paper, toner, and infrequent drum replacement, as well as the replacement of other consumables such as the fuser assembly and transfer assembly. Often printers with soft plastic drums can have a very high cost of ownership that does not become apparent until the drum requires replacement.
Duplex printing (printing on both sides of the paper) can halve paper costs and reduce filing volumes. Formerly only available on high-end printers, duplexers are now common on mid-range office printers, though not all printers can accommodate a duplexing unit. Duplexing can also give a slower page-printing speed, because of the longer paper path.
In comparison with the laser printer, most inkjet printers and dot-matrix printers simply take an incoming stream of data and directly imprint it in a slow lurching process that may include pauses as the printer waits for more data. A laser printer is unable to work this way because such a large amount of data needs to output to the printing device in a rapid, continuous process. The printer cannot stop the mechanism precisely enough to wait until more data arrives without creating a visible gap or misalignment of the dots on the printed page.

Sintya Bunga_25_9C 


Pengertian Monitor LCD, LED, CRT & Perbedaannya

Secara mendasar pengertian monitor baik untuk keperluan umum maupun komputer adalah sama. Bagian yang membedakan adalah pada bagian kabel penghubung.

Pengertian Monitor – CRT

Monitor CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) merupakan monitor generasi kedua dari monitor komputer yang  merupakan generasi pertama dari monitor komputer pada jaman modern. Saat ini minat terhadap monitor CRT sudah mulai ditinggalkan meskipun monitor CRT tetap diproduksi. Alasan mengapa pengguna mulai meninggalkan monitor CRT adalah dikarenakan oleh bentuknya yang besar dan berat sehingga memerlukan ruang ekstra untuk menempatkan monitor ini. Pengertian monitor CRT secara umum adalah ‘monitor cembung’ atau ‘monitor tabung’
Monitor ini menggunakan teknologi radiasi magnetic serta electromagnetic yang cenderung merusak mata juga melelahkan mata jika bekerja terlalu lama didepannya. Pada hasil penelitian juga menyebutkan pengguna yang cenderung terlalu lama bekerja didepan monitor jenis ini akan mempercepat penuaan secara fisik karena dapat memicu pertumbuhan uban menjadi lebih cepat akibat radiasi yang ditimbulkan olehnya.
Kelebihan Monitor CRT
  • Harga relatif lebih murah
Kekurangan Monitor CRT
  • Konsumsi listrik yang lebih besar
  • Merusak mata
  • Sinar radiasi yang berakibat kurang baik untuk manusia, baik otak, mata dan sel rambut

Monitor LCD

Monitor LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) menggunakan teknologi yang disebut dengan ‘kristal cair’ sebagai penghasil gambar monitor. Kelebihan monitor LCD adalah minimnya konsumsi energi yang digunakan juga memiliki kontras gambar yang lebih tajam dibandingkan dengan CRT. Pengertian monitor LCD merujuk kepada penggunaan varian pixels (titik warna cahaya) yang tidak memancarkan cahayanya sendiri seperti halnya monitor CRT. Pada teknologi LCD sumber cahaya berasal dari lampu neon berwarna putih yang tersusun secara merata pada bagian belakang susunan pixel (kristal cair) tadi yang jumlahnya mencapai jutaan piksel hingga membentu sebuah gambar.Kutub kristal cair yang dilewati oleh arus listrik akan berubah karena pengaruh polarisasi medan magnetik yang timbul dan oleh karenanya akan hanya membiarkan beberapa warna diteruskan sedangkan warna lainnya tersaring.
Kelebihan Monitor LCD
  • Kualitas gambar lebih jernih dan tajam
  • Sinar yang dipancarkan oleh LCD tidak melelahkan mata
  • Konsumsi listrik lebih hemat
  • Dimensi yang tipis dan ringan
Kekurangan Monitor LCD
  • Layar LCD cenderung lebih sensitif

Pengertian Monitor – LED

Monitor LED (Light Emitting Diode) memiliki teknologi yang sama dengan LCD. Perbedaan secara fisik pada LED komputer umumnya terletak pada bentuknya yang lebih ramping / tipis. Pada beberapa tipe LED memiliki fungsi dan fitur yang lebih lengkap dibandingkan LCD, seperti kemampuan digital touch screen, Digital TV internet, Digital TV tuner. Sedangkan perbedaan secara umum antara LED dan LCD hanya terletak pada sistem pencahayaannya yang menggunakan teknologi LED backlight. Berbeda dengan LCD yang menggunakan CCFL Backlight (lampu neon berjenis fluorescent), monitor LED mampu menghemat konsumsi listrik hingga 50 – 70% dibandingkan dengan LCD dengan kemampuan menghasilkan gambar yang sangat tajam.
Kelebihan Monitor LED
  • Konsumsi listrik yang lebih hemat dibandingkan dengan LCD
  • Kontras gambar yang sangat tajam hingga jutaan pixels
  • Usia pemakaian LED lebih pajang
  • Dimensi monitor yang sangat tipis
  • Pencahayaan lebih baik dibandingkan LCD
Kekurangan Monitor LED
  • Harga lebih mahal dibandingkan LCD
  • Layar LED yang lebih tipis cenderung lebih sensitif

Pengertian Monitor – Plasma

Pengertian Monitor
Untuk saat ini hampir tak ada orang yang menggunakan plasma untuk keperluan bermain komputer, meskipun hal tersebut masih memungkinkan dengan menggunakan sambungan kabel VGA. Oleh karena itu kita sebut saja dengan istilah TV Plasma dikarenakan oleh ukuran dari Plasma sendiri yang kurang cocok lagi disebut sebagai monitor :-)
Di Indonesia sendiri, TV Plasma masih hanya dimiliki oleh segelintir orang saja. Penyebab utamanya adalah ukuran dimensi plasma yang sangat besar dengan ukuran mencapai 42″ bahkan lebih. Harga unit untuk televisi ini mencapai 20 – 40 juta rupiah. Teknologi TV Plasma menggunakan crystal Plasma sebagai penghasil gambar sehingga cukup menguras konsumsi listrik. Keunggulan TV Plasma adalah kemampuan untuk menghasilkan kontras warna dan gambar yang sangat detil dan tajam.
Selain TV Plasma masih terdapat TV yang menggunakan teknologi 3D yang memerlukan kacamata khusus untuk menikmati gambarnya. Penjelasan mengenai TV 3D ini akan ditulis pada tulisan lainnya.
Demikianlah informasi mengenai Pengertian Monitor LCD, LED, CRT & Perbedaannya. Semoga bermanfaat.
Sumber :(http://zzs-inside.blogspot.com/2012/10/pengertian-monitor-lcd-led-crt-plasma.html)
Nama Lengkap : Safira Choirunnisa
No. Absen Kelas : 23
Kelas : 9c



Definisi Casing Komputer

Casing Komputer adalah kotak atau rumah komputer adalah tempat terletaknya Processor (CPU), Motherboard dan peranti2 yang lain. Pada casing ini juga digunakan sebagai tempat untuk melindungi motherboard, floppy drive, power supply , hard disk drive dan komponen-komponen yang lain.
5 Fungsi Casing Komputer  :
1. Melindungi berbagai komponen2 di dalamnya dari debu, panas, air, atau kotoran lainnya pada saat bekerja dan melindungi dari benturan2 fisik yg kita tidak inginkan.
2. Casing juga begitu penting karena hampir semua perkakasan seperti prosessor,motherboard, DVD-RW drive, DVD-ROM dan hard disk menggunakan casing ini sebagai tempat perlindungan di slot-slot tersendiri di setiap ruang casing yang tersedia.
3. Exhaust fan yang berfungsi sebagai pendingin ruang juga menggunakan casing sebagai tempat beroperasi mengawal suhu dalam CPU.
casing komputer cbm azza
casing komputer cbm azza
4. Casing computer yang juga amat penting adalah sebagai tempat terletaknya lampu-lampu serta slot-slot yang terdapat di bagian casing agar casing computer anda menjadi menarik
5. Casing juga mempunyai tugas penting yaitu sebagai “dudukan” power supply yang memberikan tenaga buat semua komponen.
Bayangkan apabila seluruh perabotan tersebut tidak ada casingnya sangat berantakan dan berbahaya sekali, seperti orang tanpa rumah…..
Jenis casing komputer adalah berdasarkan bentuknya, yaitu:
  1. Casing Desktop
Casing desktop adalah casing yang berbentuk seperti kotak yang memiliki ukuran lebar kira-kira 30-40 cm dan panjangnya kira-kira 50-60 cm.Secara umum casing desktop dijadikan tumpuan monitor. Casing desktop kosong yang dipasarkan pada ketika ini sudah dilengkapi dengan power supply unit (PSU), speaker, lampu untuk hard disk, lampu power, lampu turbo, dan kabel-kabel lampu.
1. Casing CBM 628-02
  • Casing CBM 628-02 (250w pure) Rp.340rb
2. Casing Tower
Casing komputer terkini di tahun 2012 menggunakan casing tower, ia mempunyai ruang di dalam casing komputer lebih luas serta suhu dalam casing komputer tidak terlalu cepat panas dan juga lebih mudah dalam menambah komponen lainnya. Casing komputer jenis tower terdiri dari:

Sumber : ( http://cbmcase.wordpress.com/definisi-casing-komputer/ )
Putu Dewi Kristi Tamaya

Kamera web/ webcam

Kamera web atau kamera ramatraya (bahasa Inggris: webcam, singkatan dari web dan camera) adalah sebutan bagi kamera waktu-nyata (bermakna keadaan pada saat ini juga) yang gambarnya bisa dilihat melalui Waring Wera Wanua, program pengolahpesan cepat, atau aplikasi pemanggilan video. Istilah kamera ramatraya merujuk pada teknologi secara umumnya, sehingga kata ramatraya kadang-kadang diganti dengan kata lain yang memerikan pemandangan yang ditampilkan di kamera, misalnya StreetCam yang memperlihatkan pemandangan jalan. Ada juga Metrocam yang memperlihatkan pemandangan panorama kota dan perdesaan, TraffiCam yang digunakan untuk memantau keadaan jalan raya, cuaca dengan Weather Cam, bahkan keadaan gunung berapi dengan VolcanoCam. Kamera ramatraya adalah sebuah kamera video bergana (digital) kecil yang dihubungkan ke komputer melalui (biasanya) colokan USB atau pun colokan COM.

Tipe-Tipe Webcam

 Slim1320 (True 1.3 Mega Pixels High Performance Web Cam), Slim 2020AF (Mega Pixel Web Camera Auto Focus), Eye 312 (Simplify Instant Video and Chat), Eye 110 (Instant Video Messenger WebCam) serta i-Look 1321 (Advance 1.3 Mega Pixel Camera), dan lain-lain. Sekarang hampir semua kamera digital dan HP bisa dijadikan sebagai kamera web (webcam).

Cara Kerja Webcam

Sebuah web camera yang sederhana terdiri dari sebuah lensa standar, dipasang di sebuah papan sirkuit untuk menangkap sinyal gambar; casing (cover), termasuk casing depan dan casing samping untuk menutupi lensa standar dan memiliki sebuah lubang lensa di casing depan yang berguna untuk memasukkan gambar; kabel support, yang dibuat dari bahan yang fleksibel, salah satu ujungnya dihubungkan dengan papan sirkuit dan ujung satu lagi memiliki connector, kabel ini dikontrol untuk menyesuaikan ketinggian, arah dan sudut pandang web camera. Sebuah web camera biasanya dilengkapi dengan software, software ini mengambil gambar-gambar dari kamera digital secara terus menerus ataupun dalam interval waktu tertentu dan menyiarkannya melalui koneksi internet. Ada beberapa metode penyiaran, metode yang paling umum adalah software mengubah gambar ke dalam bentuk file JPEG dan menguploadnya ke web server menggunakan File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
Frame rate mengindikasikan jumlah gambar sebuah software dapat ambil dan transfer dalam satu detik. Untuk streaming video, dibutuhkan minimal 15 frame per second (fps) atau idealnya 30 fps. Untuk mendapatkan frame rate yang tinggi, dibutuhkan koneksi internet yang tinggi kecepatannya. Sebuah web camera tidak harus selalu terhubung dengan komputer, ada web camera yang memiliki software webcam dan web server bulit-in, sehingga yang diperlukan hanyalah koneksi internet. Web camera seperti ini dinamakan “network camera”. Kita juga bisa menghindari penggunaan kabel dengan menggunakan hubungan radio, koneksi Ethernet ataupun WiFi.

Sejarah Perkembangan Webcam

Pada awalnya, bentuk web camera terbatas pada bentuk-bentuk standar yang hanya terdiri dari lensa dan papan sirkuit serta casing yang biasa. Namun seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, bentuk web camera pun sudah makin bervariasi dengan fitur-fitur yang makin canggih. Salah satu bentuk web camera yang unik adalah bentuk boneka yang lucu, web camera ini dapat disalahartikan hanya sebagai boneka dan bukan webcam. Sebuah penemuan oleh Microsoft pada tahun 2004 menggambarkan kemajuan perkembangan teknologi web camera. i2i adalah sebuah sistem dua-kamera yang dengan sangat hati-hati mengikuti pergerakan individu. Kamera ini menggunakan perhitungan algoritma yang secara spesial dikembangkan untuk memfusikan apa yang setiap kamera lihat untuk membuat gambar ‘cyclopean’ stereo yang akurat. Kamera ini juga dapat menampilkan emoticon 3D yang melayang. Sistem i2i dapat juga menghasilkan gambar background yang realistis sehingga pengguna dapat berpura-pura berada di tempat lain. Kemampuan sistem i2i ini, diantaranya yaitu kemampuan tracking (disebut smart framing) dan juga kemampuan smart focusing, dapat menambah pengalaman berkonferensi bagi pengguna.
Teknologi web camera pada awalnya mendapat dukungan komersial dari industri pornografi. Industri ini membutuhkan gambar-gambar ‘live’ dan meminta pembuatan software yang mampu melakukannya tanpa web browser plugins. Hal ini melahirkan teknologi live streaming webcam yang masih tetap ada hingga sekarang. Sekarang ini web camera yang ada di pasaran pada umumnya terbagi ke dalam dua tipe: web camera permanen (fixed) dan revolving web camera. Pada web camera permanen terdapat pengapit untuk mengapit lensa standar di posisi yang diinginkan untuk menangkap gambar pengguna. Sedangkan pada revolving web camera terdapat landasan dan lensa standar dipasang di landasan tersebut sehingga dapat disesuaikan ke sudut pandang yang terbaik untuk menangkap gambar pengguna. Penggunaan web camera mencakup video conferencing, internet dating, video messaging, home monitoring, images sharing, video interview, video phone-call, dan banyak hal lain. Kamera untuk video conference biasanya berbentuk kamera kecil yang terhubung langsung dengan komputer. Kamera analog juga kadang-kadang digunakan, kamera ini terhubung dengan video capture card dan tersambung dengan internet (baik langsung maupun tidak langsung). Saat ini kamera untuk video conference sudah makin maju, sudah ada web camera yang di dalamnya terdapat microphone maupun noise cancellation untuk memfokuskan audio ke speaker yang terletak di depan kamera sehingga noise yang ada tidak mengganggu jalannya konferensi.

Fitur dan Setting Webcam

  1. Motion sensing – web camera akan mengambil gambar ketika kamera mendeteksi gerakan.
  2. Image archiving – pengguna dapat membuat sebuah archive yang menyimpan semua gambar dari web camera atau hanya gambar-gambar tertentu saat interval pre-set.
  3. Video messaging – beberapa program messaging mendukung fitur ini.
  4. Advanced connections – menyambungkan perangkat home theater ke web camera dengan kabel maupun nirkabel.
  5. Automotion – kamera robotik yang memungkinkan pengambilan gambar secara pan atau tilt dan setting program pengambilan frame berdasarkan posisi kamera.
  6. Streaming media – aplikasi profesional, setup web camera dapat menggunakan kompresi MPEG4 untuk mendapatkan streaming audio dan video yang sesungguhnya.
  7. Custom coding – mengimport kode komputer pengguna untuk memberitahu web camera apa yang harus dilakukan (misalnya automatically refresh).
  8. AutoCam – memungkinkan pengguna membuat web page untuk web cameranya secara gratis di server perusahaan pembuat web camera.


Ada beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi web camera. Secara fisik, kamera-kamera yang beredar di pasaran memiliki kesulitan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan personal pengguna karena desainnya yang cukup bergaya namun hanya memiliki sedikit variasi. Lalu, sudut pandang web camera disesuaikan tidak langsung dalam cara yang tidak nyaman. Dan juga pengguna banyak menemui kesulitan ketika menyesuaikan posisi web camera untuk menangkap gambar. Permasalahan lainnya adalah sebuah program yang dinamakan ‘Trojan Horse’, program ini memungkinkan hacker untuk mengaktifkan web camera tanpa sepengetahuan pengguna kamera. Sehingga hacker dapat mengambil gambar live video dari sang pengguna kamera. Untuk menanggulanginya, kamera-kamera dilengkapi penutup lensa ataupun lampu LED yang akan menyala jika kamera dalam keadaan aktif.
Dengan semakin banyaknya penggunaan web camera di seluruh dunia, web site aggregator pun muncul. Web site ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk menemukan live video stream berdasarkan lokasi ataupun kriteria lainnya. Camera dapat menimbulkan permasalahan sosial. Kemudahan akses terhadap live video stream memungkinkan maraknya pornografi ilegal ataupun pornografi anak. Pedofil dapat dengan mudahnya berhubungan dengan korbannya tanpa sepengetahuan orangtua korban. Internet memungkinkan terjadinya transaksi seksual dengan kontrol yang hampir tidak ada. Menurut penelitian yang dilakukan di Amerika yang ditayangkan di Oprah Winfrey Show,impian terbesar para pedofil adalah agar mereka dapat hadir di tengah anak-anak, dan teknologi web camera mewujudkan mimpi tersebut. Karena web camera tidak hanya memungkinkan orang saling bertemu namun juga memungkinkan orang memperlihatkan bagian-bagian tubuh mereka. Anak-anak yang memiliki tingkat pengetahuan tinggi akan sangat rentan terhadap hal ini.

Gambar  Webcam



MEMORY holds all of the program code and data that is processed by your computer and therefore has an intimate relationship to computer performance. Your CPU and the associated operating system determine how and how much of the available memory will be used and in which fashion.  Here, we’re talking about Random Access Memory (“RAM”), or the temporary memory accessible by your CPU, to perform various tasks.  We’re not talking about the memory in your hard disk drive (“HDD”), which remains stored on your computer after you turn it off.  It’s a far shorter trip for your computer to look for data in RAM than to hunt on the hard drive, which is why increasing the amount of RAM on older computers can often speed up performance. 
Neither are we talking about other methods to temporarily store data or instructions to perform tasks while your computer is in operation (such as virtual memory, caching, temp files, prefetch or the like).  Why is it called “random”?  Because your computer can go directly to any of the memory cells anywhere on the RAM chip if it knows the particular row and column that intersect at that cell.  This is opposed to SAM (“Serial Access Memory”), which can only be accessed sequentially, i.e. in the order in which it has been stored, until the particular memory location is discovered.  SAM is obviously slower, although quite suitable for memory storage where maintaining a particular storage order can be useful (such as the memory buffer on a video card).  For further explanation, see the more detailed discussion in a couple of paragraphs.
While Windows XP and Vista can address and automatically manage up to 4Gb of system memory (far more than earlier versions of Windows and earlier processors), it’s still useful to understand the evolution of memory:  Conventional Memory is the traditional 640Kb assigned to the DOS memory area as so-called base memory (for such things as bios and other basic system functions); Extended Memory (XMS) and Expanded Memory (EMS) were popular techniques used to overcome the traditional 640Kb limit using software and RAM chips.  The so-called Upper Memory Area (UMA) and High Memory (HMA) of the computer memory cannot be accessed by DOS, and can be used for other purposes.  For more about how Windows “manages” RAM, see the discussion below in Section III (The 4Gb Limit).
Some history:  The first computers such as IBM’s first PC introduced the 640Kb RAM limit.  Why?  Because “640K ought to be enough for anybody” said Bill Gates (at the time). Of course, the then head of IBM, Thomas J. Watson, also predicted that a potential world market for “maybe five computers” at the time.  Those are quotes that’ve been going around for years, anyway.  So that’s why the 640K conventional memory was arbitrarily limited at the time.
As a general principal, RAM memory is basically an array of individual storage elements, organized into rows (“addresses”) and columns (“data bits”), much like a spreadsheet.  The intersection between  each column and row is an individual memory bit known as a cell.  Depending on the integrated circuit design of the chip, it can have millions of addresses, and several columns of data bits, having a great deal to do with the chip’s performance.
The memory bit array communicates with the computer through three sets of signals:  First, the address lines (sometimes called wordlines) define which row of the memory array will be active.  Then data lines (sometimes called bitlines) carry the data bits back and forth to the storage cells (columns) at the defined address.  Finally, control lines are used to operate the memory chip.
Memory chips are attached to the motherboard on a “module”.  A module is an integrated circuit board about 1 x 5 inches onto which are affixed literally millions of transistors, capacitors, memory chips and other circuitry.  One end of the module contains “pins” which are inserted into a special connector (“memory bank”) manufactured onto the main circuit board (“motherboard”) of the computer.  There are generally only five package forms used for these devices.  They are DIP (Dual Inline Package) through-hole mounted on mostly older computers; SIP (Single Inline Package) also old and rarely used; SOJ (Small Outline J Lead) mostly soldered and not all that common; TSOP (Thin, Small-Outline Package) small, thin and ideal for laptops, used in PCMCIA cards; and CSP (Chip Scale Package) which are most common today, using surface mount contact pads to plug into the motherboard receptacle.
The total memory of all the chips on the module is generally expressed as a statement of the number of chips times the capacity of each chip, as in “4x32” in megabits (Mb; one million bits). Therefore, 4x32 means that the module contains (4) 32-megabit chips, for a total of 128 Mb of memory.  Since a byte is 8 bits, divide by 8 to reach a total of 16 megabytes RAM.  Most RAM is sold in multiples of 16 Megabytes.
Other than it’s package profile, there are other aspects of memory that determine its speed and usefulness:  All memory is rated in terms of speed by access time (the delay between the time that data in memory is successfully addressed to the point at which the data has been successfully delivered to the data bus, usually in the range of 50-60ns [nanoseconds]) and cycle time (the minimum amount of time needed between accesses, usually in the 8 - 10ns range).  Recently, the trend has been to measure hi-performance memory in terms of system speed (Mhz).  For example, PC133 RAM is used in systems with a 133Mhz front side bus; PC800 RDRAM transfers data on both sides of a 400Mhz Rambus channel clock.
Another important measure of SD and DDR SDRAM performance is Column Address Strobe (“CAS”) latency.  Latency is the delay (stated in number of clock cycles) that it takes before a column can be addressed on a memory chip.  CL2 is excellent, CL3 acceptable; the lower the number, the better the performance.
Wait States order the CPU to pause for one or more clock cycles to give memory additional time to operate.  Since wait states slow computer performance, you would optimally like to have them set to zero.  Normally, wait states are set on the motherboard (with jumpers) or the CMOS settings; but usually Windows selects it automatically during the POST.
You may not realize it, but RAM must also be constantly “refreshed” so it cannot be lost.  Every few milliseconds the storage cells are replenished by reading and rewriting an entire row of the array one at a time.  This is done, not through the CPU, but through the self-refresh circuitry on the RAM chip itself, saving CPU energy.  This is where “dynamic” RAM gets its name:  It has to be constantly refreshed or it forgets what is is holding.  Of course, all of this refreshing takes its toll - it takes time and slows down memory (but only in nanoseconds (billionths of a second), so you’ll probably never notice).  For example, a chip rating of 70ns means that it literally takes 70 nanoseconds to completely read and recharge each cell. [Due to its cost and size, static RAM, which does not need refreshing, isn’t generally used for RAM, but for other purposes, such as CPU cache.]
SDRAM chips may also be measured by clock lines.  Newer SDRAM modules (e.g. DDR3) employ four clock lines (called 4CLK SDRAM), and allow four clock signal lines between the system clock and the memory module, which allows for fewer chips per clock line, decreasing the signal load on each line and enabling a quicker data interface.
Bursting is a chip performance improvement that lets the processor retrieve a block of information from consecutive memory addresses, rather than a single piece of information from one address.  The CPU doesn’t have to send an individual request to each line, instead gets it all at once and is much faster.
Pipelining is another chip performance technique in which a task is divided into a series of smaller overlapping tasks, so that subsequent requests can arrive before previous requests have been completed, speeding up the overall completion of the task.
Bursting and pipelining techniques became popular at the time that EDO chips became available.
Memory chips can also be unbuffered, buffered, or registered.  An unbuffered memory module contains only memory devices and data passed between the memory chips is not boosted or amplified by buffers on the module itself.  Unbuffered modules are fast and relatively inexpensive to produce, but suffer from signal attenuation, limiting the number that can be used.  However, by adding buffers or registers to the memory module, the incoming and outgoing electrical signals are strengthened.  While this may slow the performance, it allows for the use of many additional memory modules.  For EDO and FPM, this process is called “buffering”; for SDRAM it’s called “registering”.  It’s done differently, so you can’t mix chips.
In order to assure that the data and instructions written to the memory chip are error free, the integrity is checked by a technique known as parity (each byte written to memory is checked, 4 parity bits to each address) or, in some chips, Error Checking Code (“ECC” or “EOC”).

FOR the most part, the motherboard of the particular computer will determine the type(s) of RAM that can actually be installed on the particular machine.  Further, 32 bit Windows can make use of, at most, 4GB of RAM - anything else will be overkill and unusable (see discussion below at Item III).  Depending on the age and configuration of the computer, several types of RAM have been and are available:
TIP:  Remember:  RAM chips are generally incompatible with each other electrically, as well as the number of pins on the chip and also the keys (notches) required to fit into the appropriate motherboard socket.  If in doubt, test several chips on the board to see which one(s) fit properly.
[See photos below for representative examples of each type of chip.]
SIMM (Single In-Line Memory Module), older 32 bit bus;
DIMM (Dual In-Line Memory Module), newer 64 bit bus, still old technology; used to be soldered onto motherboard or socket inserted.
RIM (Rambus In-Line Memory Module) Most recent chips, very often with heat sinks to dissipate the elevated operating temperatures.
SO-DIMM (Small Outline Dual In-Line Memory Module), a smaller profile (about half-length) memory module for use primarily in laptops; earlier SO-DIMMS used 72 pins (connectors) and supported 32 bit transfer, but now they typically use 144 pins and allow for 64 bit transfer;
SRAM (Static RAM), stores data using a static method in which the data remains constant so long as power is applied to the chip.  Used primarily for cache.  Typically uses 4 to 6 transistors for each memory cell, but with no capacitors;
DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory), stores each bit of data on a separate capacitor, requiring less space, holding more data, but requires more power because the capacitors must constantly be refreshed, as it uses memory cells with a paired transistor and capacitor. The original DRAM was FPM (“Fast Page Mode”) DRAM, which was slow because it waits through the entire search process of locating a data bit before starting locating the next bit.  Maximum transfer rate to L2 cache is about 176 MBps;
EDO DRAM:  (Extended Data-Out Dynamic RAM).  Slightly faster than FPM DRAM because it does not wait for all processing of the first bid to be complete before continuing to the next bit.  Maximum transfer rate to L2 cache is about 264 MBps.
SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory), is an improvement to DRAM which ws developed in the early 1990s to solve the problem of increasingly powerful computers.  While DRAM uses an “asynchronous” interface (meaning it operates independently of the processor itself, not useful if the processor couldn’t keep pace with all of the requests from the processor) SDRAM speeds up the process by “synshconizing” the memory’s responses to control inputs with the system bus, allowing it to queue up one process while waiting for another.  because it retrieves data alternatively between two sets of memory.  Maximum transfer rate to L2 cache is about 528 MBps. MOST COMMONLY USED TODAY; DDR RAM is a type of SDRAM (see below)
TIP: Remember:  RAM chip efficiency is measured by faster transfer rates, at a lower voltage at a lower clock speed.
DDR (Double Data Rate) – As used in DDR-SDRAM, sometimes called SDRAM II – DDR (developed around 2000) transfers data twice as fast as regular SDRAM chips , allowing sending and receiving signals twice per cycle, while the original SDRAM could only accept one command per clock cycle (hence “SDR” or Single Data Rate interface).  In addition, the chip became far more efficient, because the memory could run at a lower clock rate (100 - 200Mhz) and, by using less energy (2.5 Volts), achieve faster speeds (e.g. transfer rates up to 400MTps).  This efficiency makes this type of memory more suitable for laptop computers since it uses less power than SDRAM.  Maximum transfer rate to L2 cache is about 1,064 MBps; Generally, they have TSOP (“Thin Small-Outline Package”) chips in a 184 pin module working at 2.5/2.6 volts up to 3.6 Vdimm.
DDR2 (Double Data Rate 2), which came out in 2003, is just as it sounds,  double the rate of DDR memory, an improved version of DDR that was both faster and more efficient, sending data on both the rising and falling edges of the processor’s clock cycles.  This refinement utilized an internal clock running at half the speed of the data bus, making it twice as fast  as the original DDR, but using even less power (now 1.8 Volts) for a maximum transfer rate of 2,133MTps. But  these chips require special slots on your computer, so always check for compatibility; Generally, they have BGA (“Ball Grid Array”) chips, 240 pins and work at 1.8 volts and above (therefore the power requirement of DDR2 is less than DDR, which can work at higher frequencies).
DDR3 (Double Data Rate 3 Synchronus Dynamic RAM):  The most common and fastest RAM in use in most current computers today.
DDR4 - The next stage in RAM evolution.  Coming soon (2014?) to a computer near you.  It is expected to offer transfer rates of up to 4,266MTps, with voltage ranging from 1.05 to 1.2 Volts.
RDRAM (Rambus Dynamic RAM), so named because it is manufactured by Rambus Corp., and it is the fastest type of computer RAM currently available.  While SDRAM can transfer data at speeds up to 133 Mhz, RDRAM can transfer at speeds up to 1 Ghz, the chips working in parallel to achieve rates at up to 1,600 MBps.  Due to the fast speed of the chip, they often require heat spreaders to dissipate the heat.  For laptops, Rambus manufactures SO-RIMMs for laptop computers.  Problem is,  they’re expensive and, moreover, many boards can’t make use of such high speeds (although many graphics accelerator cards can use them).
Believe it or not, but there are even more types of RAM: (FPRAM, EDRAM, VRAM (for video adapters and 3D accelerators), CDRAM, EDO RAM, BEDO, WRAM, SGRAM (less expensive video RAM than VRAM), SLDRAM and more), but you probably won’t run into these types, so we won’t confuse the issue further.  See also, SD CARDS.
Identifying the chip:  It’s not always easy to identify RAM just by looking at the chip (unless it’s labeled, of course), and some examples are shown in the photos below, but here are a few guidelines:
- If there are two slots on the pin side of the RAM, it is SD RAM.  All DDR chips have only one slot.  If you’ve got SD RAM, it’s probably time to upgrade your computer.
- Separating DDR from DDR2 is more difficult.  Both have only one slot.  But that slot is about 1/16 further up the chip on a DDR2 chip than on a DDR chip - don’t try to force them, you’ll probably crack the chip and the main board!  And usually DDR chips have memory modules (the black chips) across the entire face of the chip or the front and back of the chip.  The operational speed for DDR (if printed) will usually be 333Mhz or 400Mhz.  DDR2 chips, however, will run at speeds from 400Mhz to 1066Mhz; and the memory modules on the face don’t span quite as much real estate as the DDR chips.
- The most common RAM in use on new computers today, DDR3 RAM also ranges in speed between 800Mhz and 1600Mhz.  It looks pretty much the same as DDR2 and is hard to distinguish from DDR2.  At the moment, this is the predominant chip being used on newer computers.
- DDR4 is on the way, but will take a few years to catch on, so don’t worry about it quite yet..
So how do you know exactly what type and size of RAM suits your computer?  Most devices only use one specific type of RAM, some require duplicate chips (e.g. (2) 256Mb chips), and there is an overall limit to the amount of RAM that your device will handle.  The only sure way is to look at the existing chip(s) and duplicate them.  However, most of the RAM suppliers’ sites have a handy search tool that searches by computer, motherboard and other digital devices and provides you with reasonably accurate information.  See, for example, Kingston.com.  Installing RAM isn’t particularly difficult:  You just get under the hood and insert the chip into the slot.  Usually it will work.  If not, keep experimenting with chips until you find one that is accepted by the system BIOS.  For this reason, it’s sometimes easier to let your computer repair people do this for you, as they have lots of chips to experiment with.
TIP: Avoid performance issues by assuring that the speed of the RAM chip exactly matches that of the motherboard.  For example, if you have a motherboard that supports the DDR 1333 standard, you should be sure to use RAM with that designation.  (For your information, the 1333 is the memory’s transfer rate and not the actual speed of the memory.)  Anything lower isn’t living up to the maximum you can expect from the RAM; anything lower and your processor may strain to keep up with it.
For information about FLASH RAM, which is a similar technology, click HERE.

FOR some time now, Windows (but not Linux, Unix and some other) computer systems have had a fundamental physical limit on how much RAM a given system can recognize.  Most PCs today have a 32-bit internal architecture.  This means that the computer can generate discreet memory addresses starting at zero up to a binary number (“0”s and “1”s) up to 32 digits in length.  So, mathematically, this computes to 2 to the 32nd power, or a maximum of about 4.2 billion memory addresses total.  Rounded off, this is about 4Gb. 
That’s it.  It’s a physical limitation that cannot be exceeded.  You can put 6Gb of RAM into your 32-bit computer, but unless you have 64-bit architecture (providing up to 128Gb of RAM; that’s 16Eb [exabytes, or quintillion bytes]) using, for example, a 64-bit version of the Windows O/S or Linux, it’ll be useless.  With those systems, you can add much, much more RAM. 
Of course, you never actually have 4Gb of RAM available, even if you have that amount on your chips, because the system and possibly some of the cards consume much of this RAM before you even run any programs (see the discussion immediately below).  Vista, for example, consumes upwards of 1Gb RAM just starting up! 
And don’t forget that not every main board (particularly laptops) will necessarily support 4Gb of RAM - you’ll have to check with the manufacturer of the specific board.
[Not to confuse the issue, but under certain circumstances you can “fool” your system into believing it has more than 4Gb if you use virtual memory or something known as PAE technology if your version of Windows relies on another technology known as DEP.  But this is a setting change for the pros, because it can cause other (driver and program) problems even when properly enabled.]
Now, just for edification for those of you who wonder why you purchased or installed 4Gb of RAM on your new Vista or Win7 32-bit computers and you only see 2Gb available, you should consider what I said above: Windows automatically manages up to 4Gb of RAM.  Here’s what this means:  Windows sees the additional RAM and, rather than just letting it sit doing nothing, it uses it to operate more efficiently, which is just what you want it to do.  It sets aside about half the RAM as a place to store frequently accessed code and data for Windows and system related software, so that it relies less on the slower, hard drive based pagefiles for low level memory functions, making the whole operating system much more responsive.  It still holds the rest of the RAM in reserve for user-initiated tasks such as loading applications and documents into memory. NOTE: This is precisely why those programs that promise to increase the available RAM on your computer are worthless, even dangerous.  They can do this by removing code and data from the fast RAM back on to the slower hard drive RAM, actually working against you! (Thanks to Fred Langa, Windows Secrets for this explanation.)

Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Internet Explorer 8

Internet Explorer 8

Baru-baru ini, Microsoft merilis Internet Explorer 8 versi Beta ke publik. Meskipun masih dalam versi beta, namun versi ini telah memiliki fitur yang komplit. Banyak orang telah mendownload nya dan seperti biasa terdapat banyak pendapat yang berkaitan dengan fitur-fiturnya.

Kelebihan Dari Internet Explorer 8:
-Terdapat fitur InPrivate pada IE 8 yang dapat mencegah histori browsing dan file cache dari penyimpanan.
-Seperti Firefox, Internet Explorer 8 juga mempunyai kemampuan untuk menyimpan dan merecover yang dibrowse pengguna terakhir jika terjadi crash, atau bahkan pengguna menutup nya secara tidak sengaja di mana hal ini tidak terdapat pada Internet Explorer 7.
-Internet Explorer 8 memiliki fitur grouping tab berdasarkan warna tab.
-Dalam dunia komputer, kita menginginkan koneksi yang lebih cepat, hardware yang lebih cepat, software yang lebih cepat. Internet Explorer 8 dalam penggunaannya diketahui lebih cepat dibandingkan pendahulunya, Internet Explorer 7 pada kebanyakan web site.
-Internet Explorer 8 memberikan kemudahan untuk mencari apa yang diinginkan dengan menawarkan saran-saran selama pencarian.

Kelemahan Dari Internet Explorer 8:
-Beberapa situs web mungkin tidak ditampilkan secara benar dan tidak berfungsi dengan baik padahal pada versi sebelumnya hal ini tidak terjadi.
-Internet Explorer 8 mengambil 380MB space memori komputer dengan 2GB memori di OS Vista, sedangkan versi yang sebelumnya hanya membutuhkan 159MB memori.
-Internet Explorer 8 mudah dan pernah dijebol dengan hacker.

Sumber : wikipedia
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